Thursday, December 18, 2014
Final part 2
A. what I liked about the class was that its a class that i never had before what i didn't like about it was that most of the things that were I was shown in this class I already knew since 6th grade. improvement is that to show how to do new things not stuff that most of us already how to do.
C. Well my best I'll just that no i didn't and yes I did cause i don't know to explain it.
D.No Im not cause i only have one goal in life and that to get make a difference for my family.
E. No Im not committed to being CTR person cause I don't think that if you follow every single law in this comutiny in the U.S you'll becoming like the rest of the people who have to work for a really long time and or as there consider now slaves.
F. I've always taken responsibility for my mind-body-and spirit so theres no explaining there
Final: 3 Part 1
Final: 3 Part 1
For my interdisciplinary project when I first heard of it sounded like it would be pretty easy and well it was really easy in the project I was the rebuttal and well i finished my part in the project typed it and I was done then my group members had do there part they did there part and we were all done. then came the presentation we had to present to a panel of two teachers 1 doctor and a health professional so we had to dress nice and we presented I wasn't nervous cause it's something i've done before it was easy though i couldn't say the same for my team members i knew i was going to do good. so i did though i wish we could've gotten a better topic but meh it went well
Abraham Lincoln
"When I do good I feel good"
"When I do bad I feel bad"
Abraham Lincoln
Reflection: well this quote that Abraham said should be true but now-a-days thats not true when people steal from others they don't feel bad they feel good that they have it either money or whatever they stole cause i don't really feel good most of the time when i do something good heck with the economy we have to who cares.
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Student Success Statement
Student Success Statement
You Are in charge
"Take responsibility for your own body. mind, and spirit for your own physical, mental, and spiritual well being."
I guess its true that you take responsibility for all this things but i guess most people know that already but most people don't really care but hey what they do is fine with me as long I'm not in it
Friday, December 12, 2014
Richard L. Evans
Student Success Statement
“We need the courage to
start and continue what we should do, and the courage to stop what we shouldn’t
Richard L. Evans
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
The Sting
The Sting
in the video "The Sting" a person named patrick tell a story how he didn't listen to his parents. when him and his family went to a camping trip to the desert they told him to wear shoes but then one they while they were out he went of but he said "I'm going to were sandals" he did and then ended up being stung by scorpion his parents took him to the hospital and the doctor gave him a dose of something and he felt better and thats it.
Reflection: I didn't learn anything from this cause i mean it's common sense that you would were shoes to the desert i've been to the desert when i was little and i always wore shoes to the desert cause i thought it was to hot to wear sandals
Monday, December 8, 2014
When You Tell One Lie
When You Tell One Lie
Paul Hatch
When you tell one lie, it lead to another So you tell two lies to cover each other Then yo tell three lies and, Oh Brother, You're in trouble up to your ears!
So you tell four lies to try to protect you Then you tell five lies so folks won't suspect you Then you six lies and you'll collect A life filled with worries and fears
Cause you can't remember how many lies you've told And half the things you say aren't true And sometime you slip up, you'll trip up whatever will become of you?
So you lie and lie without even trying
And each lie you tell will keep multiplying
'Till the who;e wide world will know you're lying
Then you'll be
And you should!
when you lie, you're closing the door
On everything good
Paul Hatch
When you tell one lie, it lead to another So you tell two lies to cover each other Then yo tell three lies and, Oh Brother, You're in trouble up to your ears!
So you tell four lies to try to protect you Then you tell five lies so folks won't suspect you Then you six lies and you'll collect A life filled with worries and fears
Cause you can't remember how many lies you've told And half the things you say aren't true And sometime you slip up, you'll trip up whatever will become of you?
So you lie and lie without even trying
And each lie you tell will keep multiplying
'Till the who;e wide world will know you're lying
Then you'll be
And you should!
when you lie, you're closing the door
On everything good
Student Success Statement
Student Success Statement
“When you tell one lie,
it leads to another”

Its true when you tell a lie it does to another i mean look at obama he spent 11 trillion dollars in 5 years and he wants us to sign up for all these thing obama care and wants to help schools he spends more money on the military than housing and education
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Diagnostic Radiologist
Duties and Responsibilities: Radiographers use x-rays, ultra
sounds and other ways to detect a patient’s illnesses or injuries. Mostly they
detect them by sound.
Salary: $100,486 - $414,958
Education: Like most jobs you need a bachelor’s degree. Next you must
study Math, biology, organic and inorganic chemistry, physics and the
Reflection: No I wouldn't want to be a Radiologist because it seems
like a boring job and to me I don’t like to medical jobs cause their just to
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Student Success Statement
Student Success Statement
Physical Fitness
"Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.The relationship between the soundness of the body and activities of the mind is subtle and complex. Much is not yet understood. But we do know what the greeks knew: That intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong."
John F. Kennedy
will i don't really care much for this
and Responsibilities: A
Dermatologist specializes in preventing, diagnosing, and, treating skin
diseases. They can also preform surgeries such as removing legions, warts,
moles, or cancerous cells.
Salary:$112,000 - $ 166,400+
Dermatologists need a 4
year bachelor’s degree for medical, and 3 years of residency training.
I don’t think I would
want to be a dermatologist because I would want to be working with people’s
skin diseases or removing warts and other stuff it just sounds like a boring
Friday, November 21, 2014
Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving Day Truth
Thanksgiving and
Thanksgiving Day Truth
Thanksgiving one of the worst holidays ever made. When
the pilgrims first meet the Indians the Indians showed them where to hunt food where
to hunt food and other stuff. After this the pilgrims wanted to remain white America
so they graved there guns and swords so with their new Indian allies they went
on to murder others they killed over 700 hundred people but once they got back
from the massacre they had a holiday we know as Thanksgiving just celebrating
the murder of hundreds of people god job America murder more people then give
thanks for doing so Even I doubt that they let their Indian friends live they probably
killed them afterwards.
I Don’t really give thanks on thanks giving why cause I don’t
celebrate it.
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Acts of Kindness
What the basketball coach let Mitchel play and he was willing to pose the game for the his and at the end even though the team was losing a player in the other team threw the ball towards him and he shot the ball even though the team lost in the game everyone was a winner nobody lost and i mean the kid wanted to even just wear a jersey for the game but he got more he got to play at the game and once he shot the final shot everyone in the crowd and both teams ran towards him and hugged him cheered for him
Student Success Statement
Student Success Statement
“Kindness is the
essence of greatness.”
Joseph B. Wirthlin
Monday, November 17, 2014
Marcus Aurelius
Student Success Statement
it is not right do not do it; if it is not true do not say it.”
Marcus Aurelius
This quote is true to most and its
right if its not true just don’t say anything if it is not right do that’s what
most people these days heck for doing something that right could get you in
some trouble well with pretty much anyone the police, gangs, the government but
this quote is true to some extent sometimes it may not be right but it is what
you believe in not what others do the other if its not true do not say it there
is a lot that aren’t but the biggest one is is there a god will we don’t there
may or may not be but heck who cares
Dental Assistant
Duties and responsibilities: A
dental assistant mostly there to the dentist. Dental assistants have an
important job to do such as taking x-rays, performing office management tasks
that often require the use for a personal computer, and helping patients feel
comfortable before, during or after the dental treatment, and many more other
Salary: $23,550 -
Education: To become dental assistants you must
know how to handle the equipment you need to take at least 11 months of a
dental assistant school at the end you will take the CDA a test
Reflection: I wouldn't want to be a
dental assistant because I don’t really like the dentist job or any dentist job
for that matter
Thursday, November 13, 2014
James Freeman Clarke
success Statement
may make a difference to all eternity whether we do right or wrong today.”
Freeman Clarke
that quote is true because look at way back then some mistakes that happened back were still trying to fix them right now it better not to make mistakes well no horrible mistake at least but still no big mistake
Dental Lab Technician
Lab Technician
Duties and responsibilities: Dental lab technician work with
precision hand tool and a variety of materials such as wax, plaster, zirconia,
and porcelain in replacing damaged or missing teeth.
Salary: $25 - $50,000
Education: Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and Computer-Aided Manufacturing
(CAM) dental technology involve the use of computers to create dental
prosthetics for cosmetic, restorative, and rehabilitative purposes
Reflection: I wouldn't want to be dental lab technician because I don’t like
working with fake teeth or well peoples mouth I also don’t really like the
dentist but I have to go so.
Monday, November 10, 2014
Veterans Day
Veterans Day
day is November 11th it was originally going to be Armistice Day. The
first time it was celebrated was November 11th 1919. In the year
1994 the name was changed to Veterans Day. On Veterans Day there is a ceremony of
color guards showing every branch of the military and also honoring the unknown.
What I think about this that not many places do this but we do we honor those
who have served and currently serving. We all take great pride in this cause
for 7 years veterans day was celebrated on October because to would give people
of congress a long weekend it was then moved because it was so important.
Student Success Statement
Student Success Statement
what is right, fair, and honorable is more important than winning or losing.”
Chick Moorman
This quote is true but i think that you should always want to win fairly not cheating your way to win something like others do.
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Student Success Statement
Student Success Statement
Have courage to say
Have the courage to
face the truth
Do the right thing
because it is right
Clement Stone
I think that it is true
1. Integrity: adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character honesty.
2. rectitude, probity, virtue.
3. "He is a well known man of integrity."
"I never doubted his integrity."
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Chicken or Eagle
Chicken or Eagle
If you hang out with chickens, you're going to cluck, and if you hang out with eagles your going to fly."
Steve maraboli
Proverbs 13:20
Student Success Statement
that walketh with wise man shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be
Proverbs 13:20
Well I don’t really think that I like
this quote cause I don’t think anybody is wise I have friends that have done
bad stuff nut do I get in trouble for it no never once have I gotten trouble
for something another person did this quote is one that I don’t like
Friday, October 31, 2014
Student Success Statement
“Be cool in school—live
every rule.”
Mr. Haymore
Well i think that this quote is true that you have be cool in school by living every rule cause i mean if you do something like if you talk back to your teacher then you think that was cool later your parents will get called in and you be like oh no so yea. after that when you get home you'll maybe say that was not cool
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Monday, October 27, 2014
Duties and Responsibilities:
An Animator is an artist who creates multiple images; Known as frames that when
displayed in a rapid sequence gives the illusion of movement. Animators such as
“The new world project.”
Salary: $30,787
most animators need a bachelor’s degree And need skill in computer graphics sound
and others
Reflection: I
would like to become animator I like anime so why not work in something you
like but of I talking about anime not animation. Anime such Naruto or bleach I even
have some story’s I came up with and sound pretty good and would like to become
an anime producer netty scribble is an animator she makes many animations for markapiler, pewdiepie, MangaMinx etc....
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Yoga Therapist
Duties and responsibilities: Yoga aims to create balance in the
mind and body through exercise, breathing and meditation which is kind of like I
guess physical therapy.
Salary: $2,000 -
Education: you must be a qualified yoga teacher
to do yoga therapy you can then register at the Complementary and Natural
Healthcare Council (CNHC)
Reflection: I don’t think
I would want to work at as yoga teacher one is because I don’t like yoga and
second I don’t like therapy.
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Student Success Statement
Student Success Statement
"Don't sacrifice what you want most for what you want now. Write down what you want most and seen it often"
Peter Vidmar
Yea thats true if go to what you want now its getting in the way of what you want most its like kind of a blockade in your life saying if really want gradutae from high school but oh look your freinds call and ask you if want to party you say yes then you find out there was a a test tomorrow
Friday, October 17, 2014
and responsibilities: Chromotherapists
claim to be able to use light in the form of color to
balance "energy" lacking from a person's body, whether it be on
physical, emotional, spiritual, or mental levels. Research has shown it is
ineffective. Color therapy will heal someone in these emotions power, ego, compassion
etc. those are some ways It will heal them
$30-$60 an hour
You can start knowing more about color therapy and doing color therapy
by The Association Of natural medicine
I don’t think I would want to learn about this and also would not want
be one
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Student Success Statement
Student Success Statement
"A good name is rather chosen great riches. "
Proverbs 22:1
I in a way don't agree with this quote why cause i don't really care for what i'm know for or if i do have a good name or not but yea i guess having a good name is good atleast you dont have a name this known for something bad in your life. some people don't even do anything and nobody knows them i think that is much better.
Monday, October 13, 2014
Student Success Statement
Student Success Statement
"A good name is better then anything you can achieve in this life."
Mike Krzyzewski
Yea this quote is true a good name is better then anything in this life if you have a good name you have a rep and people respect you have bad and you get no respect from anybody people will just oh that person is bad
Christopher Columbus A Murderer
History: On 1491 nobody really thought the earth was flat so Christopher Columbus
is really so special the Queen of Spain new the earth was round and even children
who went to school back then knew the earth was round and heck even Ancient
Greeks proved that the earth was round 2,000 years before Columbus even born. Then
on 1492 he set sail to prove that the earth was not flat which I’m pretty nobody
back then really even cared cause if everyone already knew so he got to America
1493 he got there and just took most the natives who were living there and here
is a quote from Columbus saying of who he could rule the natives “I could
conquer the whole of them with fifty men and govern them as I please.” He wasn't even the first to discover America.
I don’t even think Columbus should have his on holiday he’s just as bad Hitler he
killed and enslaved a bunch of innocent people who showed him respect and
kindness which I so say is horrible. And him sailing to something everyone
already knew I'm pretty sure that they just did not want to see him there they were
probably Happy he left cause I would have been even look at these pictures and
tell me that he doesn't have a death stare.
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Student Success Statement
Student Success Statement
"A CTR champion is a person who makes a great human out of himself.
Noemi Trigueros
Yea she right a CTR champion does make a good human out of themselves because I think if you're a cheater then you should not feel as good as about yourself because you cheated wheres the fun fun in completing something if you dont do it yourself I mean if you do it yourself you feel a lot better it makes you happier know that yes I did it
EDM Artists
Duties and responsibilities: EDM Artists are like any
song writer they make their own music but no vocals why cause their music is
mostly played like nightclubs are like DJ’s but they make music like Glitch
hop, Big room, and Chill step and many more.
Salary: $16 million - $46 million
Education: Most EDM artists start off by making their
music on the computer First they need a modern pc and an OS, Soundcard, Studio
monitor speakers etc.…
Steve Aoki
Reflection: I
would like to be an EDM artist even if I don’t became really famous I’ll like
to make the music because I like EDM music.
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Chinese (Oriental) Medicine
(Oriental) Medicine
Duties and Responsibilities: type
of medicine that categorizes body patters into specific types of diagnoses with
corresponding treatment plans.
Salary: $43,000 - $47,000
Education: N/A
Reflection: This seems very familiar to acupuncture
just like a later version because this medicine has only been studied for 2,500
years but I don’t think I would really like to learn this.
Friday, October 3, 2014
Student Success Statement
Student Success Statement
"goal setting is goal getting. Set and get."
Mark Victor Hansen
i say this quote is true as in what it is saying if set something the you get something in return or if you set yourself a goal then you reach that goal and get the satisfaction of completing it means you reached that goal the you set yourself
Cellular Therapy
Duties and responsibilities: Cellular Therapy is therapy in which
cellular material is injected into a patient.
Salary: $31,000
Education: N\A
Reflection: I guess that ii would not want to do cellular therapy because
if something wrong you could mess up a person’s body.
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Duties and responsibilities: A
Cardiologist is a doctor with special training and skill in finding, Treating
and preventing diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
Salary: $461,000 - $512,000
Education: A Cardiologist receives
extensive education, 4 years of medical school and 3 years of training in general
internal medicine.
Reflection: I don’t think that I would
want to be a cardiologist because I don’t really like to work with diseases and
that kind of stuff really It gets kind of disturbing.
Monday, September 29, 2014
Dr. Seuss
Student success
you have brains in your head,
you have feet in your shoes;
you can steer yourself
in any direction you choose.
your'on on your own,
and you know what you know.
you are the guy who'll decide where to go."
Dr. Seuss
I think this quote means that your gonna be the one who is gonna make decisions and you'll be the one who decides where to go what do and why you do that.
Trauma Nurse
Duties and responsibilities: Trauma
Nurses treat patients in a state of emergency, and handle urgent situations
where the cause of injury or disease isn't yet known. They can work in hospital
emergency rooms and other environments, and often need to coordinate with
doctors, family members and other nurses.
Salary: $60,000 - $70,000
Education: A Bachelor of Science in
nursing degree. The minimum requirement is an RN license available after the
completion of a qualified nursing program.
Reflection: I don’t think I would want
to be a one because this is a fast paced job and I don’t really like fast paced
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Thomas S. Monson
Student Success Statement
"Obedience is the great test of life."
Thomas S. Monson
this is true because every day we take this test to see if we can follow the rules not just do what we want we have to follow the rules every day and if you fail to do this then that pretty sad cause all you really have to do is not do anything you could get in trouble for like drugs, bulling, spray panting etc.....
Biomedical Engineer
Duties and Responsibilities: Biomedical
engineers combine biology, medicine, and engineering and use advanced knowledge
of engineering and science to solve medical and health related problems
Salary$81,950 – $92,870
Education: A bachelor’s degree is needed as an
entry to most careers. After that they could go to a master’s degree to become a
biomedical engineer.
Reflection: I wouldn't want to be a biomedical engineer but I guess that seeing one work and discover
new thing would be cool
Monday, September 22, 2014
Student Success Statement
Student Success Statement
"Obedience is central to becoming , being, and remaining happy."
David Bednar
this quote is true for some people but others if they are obedient their not happy example there was a lady who to the police station and demanded to be taken to jail she wanted to go to jail in the end they did take her to jail
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